A podcast from U.S. Institute of Peace and Ghost Island Media.
Dispatch from Taiwan - This 5-episode podcast delves into the policy debates within Taiwan that could have implications for the region and beyond. Each episode features Taiwanese local experts and voices weighing in on social, economic and defense issues and discusses how Taiwanese society is responding to these challenges. Produced by the teams of Ghost Island Media in Taipei, and USIP in Washington, D.C.
全球密切關注台灣的發展將如何影響區域情勢及地緣政治。鬼島之音在地製播英語節目精選了五大對區域政策至關重要的爭議:兵役與軍備、資訊站、中國經濟依賴或脫鉤、半導體、跟中國的交流方式等,梳理出個別議題的脈絡、關鍵現況、未來挑戰。《Dispatch From Taiwan》由鬼島之音與美國和平研究所 United States Institute of Peace 合作製作,USIP 是美國國家級無黨派的獨立機構,專注於推動和平。節目2024年1月9日在全球平台上架,以國際語言傳遞台灣在地的討論與思考,成為世界各國聆聽台灣觀點並了解台海局勢的新選擇。
Episode 1: Defense — Rising Awareness and Preparation
Taiwan elects a new president on January 13, 2024. Peace across the Taiwan Strait is on people’s minds, but where the candidates differ is how to maintain it. As China continues its military aggression in the region, many in Taiwan are thinking of how best to defend their home. In 2024, Taiwan will see a record-high national defense budget of 19.4 billion USD. Military conscription also was extended to one year. In his New Year’s speech, Chinese leader Xi Jinping renewed the Chinese Communist Party’s threats to take over Taiwan, which China considers its own but has never ruled.This episode includes expert views from Ying-Yu Lin from Tamkang University and Chieh Chung from the National Policy Foundation, as well as the civilian voices of Robin Hsu from the Taiwan ADIZ club and Tsung-lin Tsai.節目開播的軍事篇,受訪者包括國家政策研究基金會副研究員揭仲、淡江大學國際事務與戰略研究所助理教授林穎佑、徒步環島的蔡崇霖、及管理 Taiwan ADIZ 粉絲專頁的許耿睿。
Episode 2: Disinformation — Building Digital Resilience
In October, the director of the National Security Bureau – Taiwan’s intelligence agency -- warned the public against China’s possible interference on Taiwan’s elections held Jan. 13, 2024. China might conduct and release opinion polls using local companies in Taiwan, the director said. In mid-December, a Taiwanese man was arrested for allegedly fabricating eight public opinion polls at the direction of the Chinese Communist Party in Fujian.When it comes to election interference from China and disinformation in general, Taiwan faces serious challenges. This episode tackles the spread of disinformation in Taiwan, the role of China, and how civic society has stepped up to shore up digital resilience.This episode includes expert views from Ming-shuan Wu from DoubleThink Lab, Eve Chiu from Taiwan FactCheck Center, and Alberto Fittarelli of Citizen Lab.第二集內容,鎖定在資訊戰。本集陣容有:台灣民主實驗室共同創辦人吳明軒、台灣事實查核中心執行長邱家宜、多倫多大學公民實驗室高級研究員 Alberto Fittarelli ,他們觀察台灣社會日常與大選期間流竄的假訊息類型,也分享他們看待中國資訊戰的手法,以及辨別消息真偽對於台灣人的重要性。
Episode 3: ‘Silicon Shield’ — Looking Beyond Semiconductors
Taiwan makes 65% of the world’s semiconductors and roughly 90% of the world’s most advanced computer chips — employing 2.5% of the local workforce and accounting for a staggering 15% of the island nation’s GDP in the process.Taiwan’s semiconductor industry is so dominant that some think it might help deter a Chinese invasion. The thinking is that any attack on Taiwan would disrupt the global tech supply chain, so the world has a stake in peace across the Taiwan Strait. In this episode, we look at what’s known as the “silicon shield,” its history, its substance, and how Taiwanese citizens view this critical industry. Most importantly, what’s the next big thing?This episode includes views from Jeremy Huai-Che Chiang from Foundation for Future Generations, Paul Huang from LoFTechnology, Daniel Lin from Creative Ventures, Tina Cheng from Cherubic Ventures, and Taipei-based accountant Julia Pan and software engineer Lance Chang.第三集討論台灣實力堅強的半導體產業,是現今台灣的護國神山,更為台灣形成所謂的「矽盾」。本集來賓群有:青平台基金會副研究員江懷哲、源思科技總經理黃肇嘉、心元資本執行合夥人成之璇、Creative Ventures 合夥人 Daniel Lin、軟體工程師張志宏、會計師潘慧津。
Episode 4: Economic Coercion - Diversifying and Derisking from China
China has a track record of banning products from Taiwan, including fish, alcohol, fruits and other agricultural goods. According to Taiwan’s Ministry of Economic Affairs, 35.2 percent of Taiwan's total exports went to China and Hong Kong in 2023 — down from 38.8 percent in 2022.In this episode, we examine how China uses trade to try to influence Taiwan and how Taiwan pushes back. We also look at how Taiwan's trade partners help alleviate pressure, and how negotiators see the role of trade pacts with international partners.This episode includes interviews with Benjamin Hsu from the Office of Trade Negotiations at Executive Yuan, Huai-Shing Yen from the Taiwan WTO and RTA Center at Chung-Hua Institution For Economic Research, and the family at Su’s Giant Grouper Farm, including Man-Chu Chao, Mia Su and Mack Chen.
Episode 5: People’s Relations: Moving Between Taiwan and China
From 1945 to 1949, an estimated million-plus people from China arrived in Taiwan. The newcomers joined an existing population of 6 million, significantly changing the demographic makeup of modern Taiwan. In this episode, we look at the stories of some of those who arrived, and how perspectives of China differ among generations and those who travel back and forth.People we spoke to agreed that regular and meaningful interactions between citizens across the Taiwan Strait are necessary. Otherwise, as military and political tensions continue to rise across the Strait, the chances of misunderstanding escalate and could lead to conflict.This episode includes interviews with Shiang-Chu Tang, a filmmaker and Peabody Awardee, Jin Liao from New Frontier Foundation, Ian Rowen from National Taiwan Normal University, journalist Yu-Ping Chang, and master’s student Olivia Lin.
Show Credits: the Ghost Island Media team includes Hope Ngo, Anderson Wang, Ting Yeh, Roxana Wan, Gerald Williams, Hugo Peng, Min Chao, Teresa Yen, and Emily Y. Wu. Graphics by Onion Design.
Ghost Island Media is a multilingual podcast network based in Taiwan. It produces shows that tackle urgent social issues that Taiwan has in common with the world. Since 2019 it’s released 15 programs in Mandarin, English, and French.
鬼島之音是一個 PODCAST 獨立媒體品牌,旗下共有十四檔原創節目,內包含環境、時事、大麻、女力、文化交流、以及一檔採訪有世界影響力的新生代電視節目《Game Changers with Emily Y. Wu》在國際頻道 TaiwanPlus 播出。
The United States Institute of Peace is a national, nonpartisan, independent institute, founded by Congress and dedicated to the proposition that a world without violent conflict is possible, practical and essential for U.S. and global security.
美國和平研究所是一個國家級、無黨派的獨立機構,由美國國會創立,致力於主張一個沒有暴力衝突的世界。USIP 成立於1984年,由國會資助及15名跨黨派成員組成的董事會管理。